Redox Signaling - A New Frontier
We hear the term "New Scientific Breakthrough" thrown around a lot these days, when in fact most turn out to be a new spin on the same old stuff. Driving down the freeway, I see billboards for the newest 'juice of the month' with the latest berry, or whatever. So when someone makes a true breakthrough, it can get lost or ignored in all the clutter. Unless, of course, it actually IS something that has not been done before. Ever. That's ASEA - a product based on the new science of Redox Signaling Molecules.

Research done for the last several years by major universities like Harvard, UCLA, Texas, Ohio State, Georgetown, and others indicated that cell production of what has been termed "reactive molecules" are critical for cell communication and antioxidant activation. Google Redox Signaling to see hundreds of pages of articles referencing this research. Manufacturing these Reactive Molecules was deemed impossible until a company called ASEA and its Atomic/Medical Physicist, Gary Samuelson PhD discovered  a method of stabilizing them in a saline solution through a proprietary electrolysis process. ASEA is the only source on the planet (other than your own cells) of Redox Signaling Molecules. Here's why this science is so important for you and I.

Antioxidant Activation
30 years ago, very few people knew about the emerging science of antioxidants, now everyone does. Even gum and sodas are advertised to contain antioxidants. What was not known until the release of Redox Signaling research was that antioxidants can't do their job-they can't fight one single free radical-without the help of certain reactive molecules called Redox Signaling molecules.

Redox Signaling molecules are so important that the body manufactures its own supply within the cells. The only other source is ASEA, which provides two perfectly balanced sets of Redox Signaling molecules. One set of molecules s responsible for activating antioxidants. Think of it as turning on the switch to a light bulb. A whole house full of light bulbs is of no use without the power to light them up. The other set of molecules is critical for cellular communication, critical in the healing response.

The Body's Own Antioxidants

Did you know that your cells manufacture their own antioxidants -Glutathione, SOD, Catalase. Independent tests showed Asea increased Glutathione production by 500%. And it's safe. ASEA's composition is totally native to the body. Most commercial antioxidants are plant based (juices) which are not.

We are at the forefront of a revolution in health. Learn more about the benefits for yourself and others.


Protect, Repair, Replace

Our cells are amazing miracle little machines. Codes are built into them to automatically respond to their intra and inter-cellular environments through what is called a Protect, Repair, and Replace mechanism. When the body is in balance, these mechanisms function properly. The Protect mechanism pulls the cell resources to ward off invaders like bacteria, acidic food and liquids, etc. The Repair mechanism goes to work repairing any damage caused by these foreigners. Once cells are damaged beyond repair, their are supposed to commit suicide (apoptosis) and be Replaced by the surrounding cells.

The new science of Redox Signaling has shown that cells start losing these Reactive Molecules through the aging process and our environment (poor food choices, pollution, stress, germs). This reduction of Signaling Molecules reduces the cells ability to properly repair themselves, and now bad cells start replacing themselves as bad cells and you can guess where that is headed.

ASEA begins to help the body by supplying these Redox Signaling Molecules, which the body recognizes as native to the cell. Once in balance, this Protect, Repair, and Replace response can function normally.

Increased Athletic Endurance

One of the unexpected surprises during the testing phase of bringing ASEA to market was the number of athletes reporting that they were able to perform longer with shorter recovery periods. A VO2 Max Test was conducted on 17 athletes and the results were astonishing. There was an average increase of 12% in Ventilatory Threshold (VT), 2% reduction in heart rate, and time to Max VO@ of +10%. Some athletes report even higher numbers.

Road Bike Action Magazine did their own independent study and confirmed the results as published in their March 2010 issue. They stated "ASEA quietly powers up the muscles, dramatically reducing recovery times after over-the-top efforts...Typically, ASEA users can go hard over and over again and count on a full recovery within a few minutes...Residual muscle pain and soreness is considerably reduced during a hard ride, so it encourages riders to push even harder. Bicycle.Net in their Product Review section reports similar results.

Every serious athlete should check this out. This author is working with several Olympic athletes that are very happy with their results.

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