ASEA Makes Big News in the Cycling World!

Have you seen the latest edition of Road Bike Action magazine?

Technical editor Richard Cunningham has been putting ASEA through the paces for about 90 days, and his article in the July issue of Road Bike Action gives a glowing endorsement of our product's effectiveness in aiding in athletic endurance, performance, and recovery.

Some excerpts:

"What if there was a substance that you could take as needed that was undetectable, UCI legal, would boost your performance on the bike - and was good for your body? Would you be interested? Yeah, I was pretty skeptical when I heard that line, too. The product is called Asea, and was originally formulated as an immune booster to ward off the effects of aging. During testing, however, athletes discovered that the stuff, which smells and tastes a bit like YMCA pool water, significantly boosted their recovery rates and allowed them to stay closer to their anaerobic threshold for extended periods.

"ASEA...discovered that athletes, on average, could push 10 percent longer at their maximum thresholds with high results in the 30-percent range and lows around 7 percent. After testing the stuff for three months, I'd have to agree with them. We could pedal harder longer and recover from repeated, 100-percent efforts in ridiculously short intervals."

"ASEA quietly powers up the muscles, dramatically reducing recovery times after over-the-top efforts, and it enables you to push precariously close to the anaerobic threshold for prolonged periods of time.... Typically, ASEA users can go hard over and over again and count on a full recovery within a few minutes. I addition, it is possible to push harder on the pedals for extended periods without going anaerobic."

"Most people simply feel fresher and more energetic when using the stuff. Residual muscle pain and soreness is considerably reduced during a hard ride, so it encourages riders to push even harder."

"Hi-Torque has a long-standing policy of not recommending any supplement or drug for cycling, partly for liability reasons, and also because we lack the resources to do double-blind scientific evaluations of every compound that claims to enhance performance. We can say, however, that our three-month trial use of ASEA substantiated Dr. Samuelson's laboratory results."


Athlete Spotlight : James Lawrence

by Mike Bills

When triathlete James Lawrence first tried ASEA, it was a true test—he was already in great physical shape. “It’s a little different going into it in peak condition. Of course, an unhealthy person is going to feel a change. But for me, it’s hard to tell slight differences,” James says. In fact, at first James didn’t believe a word of what he was being told about ASEA. So he didn’t just rely on waiting to feel a difference. He went over to the local university to do a VO2 Max test. Then he used ASEA for six weeks and went back. “I went at a steeper incline and a faster pace, and did it with a lower heart rate,” he marvels.

It was just the kind of benefit that appealed to James. He’s not your average triathlete who trains for one event and accomplishes it. James is going for a world record: completing more Ironman 70.3 competitions in one calendar year than anyone in history, and he’s doing it to raise awareness and funds to build water retention dams in Kenya.

Right now, the world record stands at 20, and James is closing in on it. Guinness is tracking him; he’s already completed 12 this year. “I’ll break the record at the world championships in November,” he states. His total for 2010 will be 22.

Breaking that world record is something James has been told time and again that he can’t do. “I’m taking on the hardest endurance discipline, and doing it over and over again,” he explains. “I’ve been told I can’t, that I won’t recover, that I’ll get injured.”

But in July, after James had just completed his tenth event of the year with ASEA a part of his regimen, he observed, “I posted my fastest time, 10 events into my season. Explain to me how that happened.

“Something is there.”

Now he doesn’t dare stop taking ASEA. “It’s definitely worth it,” he says. “I don’t want to chance going off it.”

You can see more of James in the ASEA Athletics Video: