Corporate Character

There are a lot of good products that hit the marketplace and gone fairly quickly because of poor management, or from greed at the top. One of the top criteria anyone should have when getting involved with a product or company is its staying power. Who is running the show and what is their vision? Verdis Norton and James Pack are examples of who one should be looking for. I hope you got a feel, from watching the video, of the character of these two individuals.

Verdis Norton retired as V.P. of Marketing Strategy for Kraft Foods and developed a marketing strategy called Stratlink that realized significant revenue increases for Kraft.  He later used this strategy to turn several failing companies into successful ventures. Verdis was asked to come out of retirement to sit on the board of a Logan, UT based biotech company looking for investors to take a new scientific breakthrough to market. After reviewing some of the 14 years of research, he felt they had something, not totally sure what and approached his good friend James Pack about making an offer. They did, and later brought Dr. Gary Samuelson, Ph. D, atomic/medical physicist to review the research from an expert's view. If you read our article about Dr. Samuelson, you will see that the result of the creation of a product and company now known as Asea.

Both Verdis and Jim were comfortably retired and did not need the money that this company is generating, but feel, as many health professionals have termed it, this is the greatest health breakthrough since the discovery of penicillin. That is saying a lot and feel the burden on their shoulders to make a difference in the world. We hope you will get the opportunity to get to meet an know these individuals as we have.